The island of Korčula
Wine, brandy, olive oil, fish, prikle, cukarini and krokanti (indigenous delicacies)
Korčula, the island of Marco Polo, has many beautiful beaches and bays, luxurious hotels and summer houses, centuries-old olive groves and vineyards and ancient villas. There are also ancient villages that seem to have been lost in some old times, luring the tourists from all over the world to this island. The “must see” sights are the Cathedral of St. Marco, the center of religious life, and the most beautiful Gothic Renaissance monument in the old town of Korčula. There is also the Korčula Town museum, situated in the Gabrijelis palace. Folk knight dances, Moreška, Kumpanija and Mostra, represent a part of the tradition of Korčula. Korčula is also famous for its gastronomic delicacies, typical for the Mediterranean region. Who would not love to have lunch consisting of brodet (fish stew), made of fresh fish with polenta, goat and sheep cheese and homemade quince jelly for dessert – the kontonjata?
Excursion itinerary
Travelling to the town of Ston lasts a bit more than an hour, followed by sightseeing in duration of thirty minutes. The foreseen arrival to the town of Orebić is around 11:00 where we will go on a boat driving to the island of Korčula. Upon arrival to the town of Korčula we will go sightseeing with lunch around 15:00. After lunch our excursion continues with tasting of local wines and the foreseen return to the town of Dubrovnik is around 18:15.